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Ready Made Garments (RMG) Consultancy Services Since In 2002
--------- Md. Shahid Ullah
Senior Consultant - Woven and Knit Garments Industries
I Have 30 Years Practical Working Experience in Garments Industries, Garments Consultancy of Improvement Productivity, Quality and Efficiency, New Garments Industry Setting Up Consultancy, Implement Lean Production System and Re-Organized, Re-Setting and Modification of exisiting Woven and Knit Garments Industries.
Architect of Garments and Fashion Products Business Strategist, Senior Garments Consultant, Pattern Maker, Senior Garments Technical Consultant, Managing Director/CEO...... and Your Coach and Friend In The Garments Industries.
Company Profile
Company Profile
Garments Consultant Firm Limited (GCFL) was founded in Bangladesh in 2002. Garments Consultant Firm Limited (GCFL) is one of the beast garments consultancy services in Bangladesh and has a strong and outstanding business history. Established in 2002, Garments Consultant Firm Limited (GCFL) is a leading global garments consulting support company. It is Bangladeshi private limited company. Garments Consultant Firm Limited (GCFL) focuses on modern garments technology and international standard garments consulting services that connect our world.
Garments Consultancy in Bangladesh provides various services to enable you to make your own fashion brand. I provide design, pattern cutting, production management, productivity, efficiency, quality management, new factory setting up, lean production system, re-organized, re-setting and modification of existing garments industry, product development, production management and quality control and quality assurance consultancies services in woven & knit garments industries. I can help you from start to finish. From the design phase through to the packaging of your garments. I provide garments project management solutions from start to finish for your garments industry. Specialist and expert in high volume garments manufacturing industries, cutting, sewing & finishing, cost reduction, waste control, New garments factory setting up, new LEED green garments industry setting up, management training and development, increases productivity, quality and efficiency consulting services in your garments industry.
If you are an ambitious, hands-on, pattern-making, apparel designer, production management, quality management and are ready to kick things up a notch and make your dreams a reality…excellent ! I am prepared to be your garments production and quality coach so you can be the next apparel production and quality guru.
Like you, I am Senior Garments Consultant and an entrepreneur. Like most Garments Consultant and entrepreneurs, my journey began with a dream. That dream evolved into a reality. Not only am I the Managing Director/CEO and President of Garments Consulting Firm Limited (GCFL) -- I am a sought after Garments Consultant and adviser to many top fashion brands of today.
For over a decade, I have successfully helped top caliber brands and entrepreneurs to increase their productivity, Improve quality, setting new garments industry, cost reduction, implement lean production system, increase their income, and increase efficiency. “ I will do the same for you”.
Through garments consultations and the many other services my (Garments Consulting Firm Limited) company offers, I can help you……establish your brand…grow your garments business…reduce costs…constructing designs…and rapidly scale your business to reach higher levels.
My activity in the garments industry and garments consultancy services include conducting and presenting seminars to start up your garments business newly, providing continuous on-demand, in-house training & development to apparel /garments businesses, and coaching businesses through the inevitable challenges that they face.
More than just a garments consultant – your coach and friend in the garments industry
If you sign / confirm on for my garments consulting service, YOUR SUCCESS IS MY SUCCESS. You bring the heart and Garments Consulting Firm Limited will give you the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.
There is no need to wait. Let us get started on your future right away.
Best regards to you and your business,
Md. Shahid Ullah
Architect of Senior garments Consultant, Senior Garments Technical Consultant & fashions products, garments business strategist,garments consultant, pattern maker, Senior garments technical consultant, Managing Director / CEO... and your coach and friend in the garments industry.
Get in touch today request a consultation session.
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Garments Consulting Firm Limited ( GCFL )
Md. Shahid Ullah
Senior Garments Consultant and
Managing Director/CEO
Office of The Garments Consulting Firm Limited ( GCFL )
I am ready to Garments Production Management Consultancy and Garments Technical Consultancy with you about the following essential elements of any great garment, apparel, clothing & fashion business –
Garments Manufacturing and Technical Consultancy
1. Productivity Improvement System Consulting
2.Garments Technical Problems Solving Consulting
3. Consulting of Garments Quality System Development
4. Consulting of Implementing Lean Manufacturing System
5.Garments Organizational System Development Consulting
6. Consulting of Setting Up New LEED Green Garments Industry
7. Setting Up New Garments Woven and Knit Industries Consulting
8. Garments Consulting of Total (Garments) System Development (TSD)
9. Consulting in Garments Management System, Training & Development
10. Re-Organized, Re-Setting and Modification of Existing Garments Industry
A Garments management consultant may specialize in a particular garments industry, such as production management, productivity, quality, efficiency management, Industrial engineering,setting new garments industry, lean production system. Lean Management System, garments management staff Training and development, Lean Maitenance, Lean Operations, Setting new LEED green garments Industry, Total Garments System Development (TSD) and Re-Setting, Re-Organized & Modification of Existing Garments Industry.
At garments Consultancy, I offer you a range of services & technical expertise to help increase productivity,quality and efficiency,and boost your capacity and skill sets anddevelopment. I do not offerQuick Fix’ so lutions, and are more interested in building long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with my clients. I offer you our experience and expertise to help you become more productive, competitive and most importantly profit.
Certified Management Consultant
in Garments Industries of
Garments Consulting Firm Limited
1. Experience : Over 28 (Twenty Eight) years working experience
2. High Performance : Guaranteed 10%-15% increase productivity
3. High Performance : Guaranteed 15% - 20% quality development
4. High Performance : Guaranteed 15% -25% increase efficiency
5. Fabrics Savings : Over 3% savings in the garments cutting room
6. Budget friendly : Optimal benefits with industry standard pricing
7. Flexibility : Choice of venue, training modules, durations and more
8. High Performance : Guaranteed 10% - 20% waste reducing & Control
9. Tailored Solutions : Customized garments consultancy & automation
10. Setting garments industry : Setting up new & Lean garments industry
11. Manpower Reduction : Guaranteed 2%-5% reduce from total manpower
12. Lean Implementation : Lean production system in garments industries
13. Lean Six Sigma : Lean Six Sigma Implementation in garments industries
14. Training & development : Training, coaching & development consultancy
15. Setting garments industry : Setting up new LEED Green garments industry
16. Re-organize, Re-setting & Modification in existing woven & knit garments industry
17. Technical knowledge : Pattern making, grading, pattern control, marker
making, Marker Control, fabrics, consumption, spreading, sample development & cutting problems solving
Registered Management Consultant
in Garments Industries of
Garments Consulting Firm Limited
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Garments consultancy is specializes in providing garments consultancy services, for garments production and quality Management. I have delivered consistent high quality and cost effective services in Garments production, quality management, Setting up new garments factory, Implement Lean production system, industrial engineering, Lean management and Lean Engineering in Garments Industry.
Garments Consultant has a depth of garments consultancy and technical experience which provides skills in increase productivity, quality and efficiency, methods improvement, System Development, work measurement, cost estimating, cost reduction, manufacturing process planning, cost control & reduction waste reduction, Cost Control, team building, Quality Management System, Total System Development (TSD), job analysis, job description and many other garments areas. While many consultants focus on one area of specific expertise, garments consultants are focused on helping leadership of an organization mprove overall performance and operations.
The Garments consulting and training experience of Md. Shahid Ullah Consulting with over 15 garment factories in Bangladesh shows that labour productivity improvement of 15% to 30% can easily be achieved in 06 to 12 months time. It was implemented in 15 garments factories in the years 2014-2020. My experienced resultant productivity improvement of 16% to 25% and efficiency improvement 16% to 25% in the pilot lines. The garments factories also benefitted by improving their cut to ship ratio by 1%.
Chattogram Export Processing Zone (CEPZ). (Lean Production System and Lean Six Sigma Quality System Chattogram, Bagladesh.
Korean Export Processing Zone,(KEPZ). Korean Multinational Garments Group. Anowara, Chttogram, Bangladesh.
Silver Composite Textile Mills Ltd. Lean Production System Garments Industry.Monipur, Mirzapur, Gazipur. Bangladesh.
The Delta Knitting Dyeing IndustriesLtd. Lean Production System Garments Industry. Zaron, Kashimpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Square Fashions Ltd. Certified LEAN and LEED Green Garments Industry. Jamirdia, Valuka, Mymenshing, Bangladesh.
Sinha Textile Group. Sinha Indutries Ltd.- 01- 06. Sinha Knitwears Ltd.- 01 - 03. Kanchpur, Narayangonj. Sonargaon, Bangladesh.
Certified Lean Production System
in Woven & Knit Garments Indudtries
Garments Manufacturing is one of the oldest in the world, compromising a high number of critical operations. The main issues in the garments industry are the lead time, productionrate, very poor line balancing and fabric wastes. Productivity improvement is carried out by implementing the various leantools in the industry, such as 5S, Just in Time, Kaizen, SMED,Kanban, Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and line balancing in the sewing section. After theimplementation of lean tools in the garments industry, the outcomes observed are a reduction in work-in-progress inventory, increases in the production process and increased line efficiency, Productivity and Quality. Lean manufacturing is a systematic methodology to eliminate waste (non-value-added activities) by continuous improvement which adds value to the customer and surely in manufacturing as well but without hampering productivity in garments industry.
Certified Lean Production System
in Woven & Knit Garments Indudtries
Lean Manufacturing is a systematic approach for achieving the shortest possible cycle time by eliminating the process waste through continuous improvement. Thus making the operation very efficient & only consisting of value adding steps from start to finish. In simple words lean is manufacturing without waste. Lean Manufacturing is all about optimizing processes, eliminating waste; eliminating inventory, building a quality product, a more efficient workplace with less cost, and human effort. The manufacturing system is work for customer satisfaction and optimization of all resources.
Benefits of Lean Production System Implement in Garments Industries
The benefits and advantages of lean production system implement in garments industries :
Productivity Improvement
Lean Production System
1. Eliminate waste
2. Improve Productivity
3. Reduce cycle & lead time
4. Improve visual management
5. Improve productivity & quality
6. Improve workplace and organize
7. Reduce manpower, time and space
8. Reducing Work in Process (WIP) inventory
9. Improve safety conditions and housekeeping
10. Increase customer satisfaction & customer service
11. Sustainability, employee satisfaction & increase profit
Productivity Improvement
Lean Production System
During my visits to garments factories, I have seen posters on lean tools and lean slogans in some garments factories. It means that garments factories are really started implementation of lean tools and practicing lean culture. Factories have posters on process flow chart of lean journey. Improvement pictures of before and after implementation of 5S and Kaizen have been displayed on departments. I have seen a lot of visuals on the floor. It ensures that something is happening in garments factories to bring good things and improve business performance.In one garments factory, I found a poster where all lean tools were listed those were implemented in that factory. All implementation are done under the guidance of external lean experts. Garments factory has benefited a lot afterimplementation lean production system. These are the preferred lean tools that have been implemented by experts.So you can start with these tools in your manufacturing facilities.
I have listed down 10 preferred lean manufacturing tools which are mostly applied by garments industry with a brief explanation.
1. Lean 5S: 5S is about sorting of things in your workplace and inventory stores. Keep workplace and floors clean and arrange things in right order for easy access.The term 5S comes from five Japanese words: 1. Seiri 2. Seiton 3. Seiso 4. Seiketsu 5. Shitsuke.
2. Kaizen: Kaizen is a term that refers to on-going or continuous improvement. The definition of kaizen comes from two Japanese words: ‘kai’ meaning ‘change’ and ‘zen’ meaning ‘good’. The Japanese philosophy was first introduced by Toyota back in the 1980s and has since been adopted by thousands of companies around the globe. This lean transformation encourages an improvement culture that gradually increases quality, efficiency, & profitability
3. Just-in-time (JIT) : Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, also known as just-in-time production or the Toyota Production System (TPS), is a methodology aimed primarily at reducing times within the production system as well as response times from suppliers and to customers. Its origin and development was mainly in Japan, largely in the 1960s and 1970s and particularly at Toyota.
4. Visual displays: Use visual displays as much as possible to communicate with people working in the factory. Display necessary information for quick access. Production board at the end of the line, Mocks of sewing operations at each work stations, quality inspection procedure on the quality checking tables, displaying right and wrong product, displaying exit sign and labeling every item are few example for visual displays factories can easily adopt.
5. Standardization of work process: One core objective of lean manufacturing is an elimination of manufacturing wastes and non-value added tasks from the internal processes and systems. For this factory has to set standardized working method. When one follows standard working procedures, there is the minimum chance of making errors.
6. Quick Changeover: Quick changeover, one of the lean manufacturing tools, is used in reducing waste in garments making process. While setting a line with new styles, line losses lot of time which is known as set-up loss. Quick changeover or SMED method provides an efficient way to set lines for the new style in less time.
7. Workload balancing: In mass production, garments are made in a line where numbers of operators involve making a single garments. A balanced line means every operator has workload and nobody sit idle without work. This maximizes operator utilization. And as a result, you get maximum output from a line. It is not only sewing line, workload balance is required everywhere in the company – like department to department, process to process workload balance.
8. Error proofing: Error proofing aka Poka-Yoke is any echanism in a lean manufacturing process that helps an equipment operator to avoid mistakes. It helps in designing a process in such way that there would not be minimum chance of producing defective product. Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur. Even error proofing technique can be used in information generation, reporting system.
9. Problem-solving: Clothes are ever changing product. A garments manufacturer needs to work with latest products, new material and machines. When one does something, the first time there may be a chance of having problem. You have to short out the problem to meet your business goal. Problem-solving tools helps you and your team to find the possible solution withoutexternal experts. Ishikawa’s Fishbone diagram method and 5 Whys are two famous tools widely used in problem-solving.
10. Kanban: Kanban is a workflow system. Kanban tool improves visibility & limit Work in Process. Where factories use Kanban, it helps to eliminate building excess work in process (WIP) in production lines.
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Setting up New Garments Industries :
I am an expert & also a consultant of setting up new Woven & Knit garments industry from garments building construction to order shipment. Setting up new garments factory with proper men, machines, equipment’s, garments factory layout, cutting, sewing and finishing line Layout, section Layout, industrial garment furniture’s design and Layout, sewing machines and non sewing machines planning, and any compliance, ethical and technical audit, and with expert staff and workers setting in possible shortest time. Handleal sustainability development and environmental management system issues of the Garments Factory. To fulfill the requirements to maintain all relevant compliance of international standards like Accord & Alliance. Setting up New Garments Factory, LEED Green Garments Project from Garments Building Construction to Shipment.
Korean Export Processing Zone, (KEPZ). Korean Multinational Garments Group. LEED Green Garments Industry Anowara, Chttogram, Bangladesh.
ESKE Clothing Limited. LEED Green Garments Industry. Jamgora, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka. Bangladesh.
Silver Composite Textile Ltd. Lean Production System Garments Industry. LEED Green Garments Industry. Monipur, Mirzapur, Gazipur. Bangladesh.
Cosmopolitan Industries (PVT) Ltd. Indian Multi-National Garments Group in Bangladesh. Certified LEED Green, Garments Industry. Savar, Dhaka.
New Line Clothings Ltd. Germany- Bangladesh Joint Veture Garments Group in Bangladesh.Talirchala, Kaliakoir, Gazipur. Bangladesh.
Sinha Textile Group. Sinha Indutries Ltd.- 01- 06. Sinha Knitwears Ltd.- 01 - 03. Kanchpur, Narayangonj. Sonargaon, Bangladesh.
Re-Organize, Re-Setting and Modification Existing Garments Industry, I provide Technical, Design, Pattern Making, Patern Cutting, Patern Grading, Fabric, Product Development, Product Process Development, Production Management, Management, Lean Production System, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Setting up New Garments Industry, Develop Industrial Engineering (IE), Setting up New LEED Green Garments Industry, Increase Productivity, Quality and Efficiency Services.
1. Consultancy of
Re-Organize, Re-Setting & Modifications
of Existing Garments Industry
Implement Lean Manufacturing Total Fashions Limitem, Barapara, Langalband, Narayangonj, Bangladesh.
2. Consultancy of
Re-Organize, Re-Setting & Modifications
of Existing Garments Industry
LEED Green Garments Industry Aspare Garments Limited, Dhalla, Singair, Manikganj, Bangladesh
3. Consultancy of
Re-Organize, Re-Setting & Modifications
of Existing Garments Industry
Implement Lean Manufacturing Nassa Group. Toy Wood (BD) Ltd. CEPZ, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
This training & development is designed to enhance the skills of supervisors in handling operators and helper, their jobs and garments manufacturing. It teaches them the role of the supervisor and how to supervise they fit into the organization, it deals with quality problems and solutions in line with specifications. How work study can help, how to balance lines effectively, how to quality control, how to communicate with superiors and subordinates in a confident and responsible manner, and how to go about motivating their subordinates.
The skills imparted during the training enable Managers to make decisions regarding strategies that improve the overall productivity, quality & efficiency of the garments organization. It focuses on every aspect of garments manufacture and covers the role of the manager, organization of the garments factory, production planning, garments costing, cutting room management and practices, work study, quality, communication, motivation, report writing and analyzing data using graphing techniques.
This training is aimed at educating the operator to understand the need to improve quality and productivity. It teaches operators to identify wasted effort and how to use principles of Work Study to improve handling at the workplace It teaches them to understand how their targets ore calculated and helps them to see the effect that lost time can have on production. They are taught to understand what efficiency means, how important communication with co-workers and superiors is, relate quality to productivity and the effects of quality on the organization, identifying quality faults and defects and remedy quality problems within their control.
A specialized course aimed at improving the skills of work study officers and personnel in the garments manufacturing environment. The training teaches work study officers how to analyses, improve processes & resource utilization,apply work measurement to establish standard times, use standard times to balance sewing lines, bottle neck problem solve and control workers productivity, quality and efficiency, report writing, graphing techniques and incentive schemes.
It deals with developing a quality strategy, relating quality to the customer, developing a personal and company Mission Statement, improvement & implementation of processes, measuring performance, lead and manage a Total Quality Management (TQM) process, developing team building skills, connecting suppliers to TQM, this is a completely different approach to management and must become a way of life. This methodology has been adapted to use in Garment Factories.
This training course teaches you the core concepts of Lean management to help you more efficiently increase value for customers, identify & remove ineffective activities, and continuously improve your processes by systematically implementing small changes. You will learn how to implement Lean tools, techniques, and metrics for your garments business.
This training has two fold benefits for the participants. One is to learn how to use Lean six sigma tools and techniques in day to day operations and another is to get required knowledge tips in implement in garments industries. DPU, DPO, DFS and DPMO are metrics that express how your product or process is performing, based on the number of defects. How to use six sigma Minitab.
I am enlisted Trainer & Management Consultant of the International Labour Organization (ILO). (International Labour Organization Talent Community) The International Labour Organization is the United Nations agency for the world of work. My practical working experience are training & management skilled development consultancy,change management & recruitment consultancy in Garments Industries.
I am “professional Certified Trainer & Management Consultant” (International Accreditation Organization, IAO, Houston, Texas, USA. Online training program), My practical experience are management consultancy, change management consultancy, recruitment consultancy, garments production and quality management consultancy Training and Management Consultancy in Garments Industries.
Garments industries consulting fees should be based on the value of your work. A number of factors influence that,including the scope of your work, your experience, & the competitive landscape. “The market rate” is the average price & range of pricing a typical customer will pay for your type of consulting service. If the average Garments industries consulting charges and receives BD TK. 8,400, $ 100 (USD) per hour, than the “market rate” is likely between BD. TK. 8,400 to 12, 600, $ 100 to $ 150 (USD) per hour, (with $120 (USD) being the average per hour)
Consultancy Charge and Fees of Garments Consulting Firm Limited
1. Mobile Phone / Video Call (20 - 30 Minutes) - Free of Charge.
2. Face to Face Meeting (45-90 Minutes) Charge : BD. TK.12,600 - $ 150 (USD)
3. Consultancy on (01-02 Hours) Video Call Charge : BD. TK.12,600 - $ 150 (USD)
4. An Hourly (01-1.5 Hours) Consultancy Fees / Rate : BD. TK. 12,600 - $ 150 (USD)
5. Half Day (03 - 04 Hours) Consultancy Fees / Rate : BD. TK. 37,800 - $ 450 (USD)
6. Daily (03 - 04 Hours) Consultancy Charge / Fees : BD. TK. 63,000 - $ 750 (USD)
7. Weekly (03 - 04 Days) Consultancy Rate / Fees : BD. TK. 105,000 - $ 1250 (USD)
8. Monthly (10 - 12 Days) Consultancy Rate / Fees : BD. TK. 3,60,000 - $ 4286 (USD)
9. Yearly (120 - 150 Days) Consultancy Charge : BD. TK. 43,20,288 - $ 51,432 (USD)
10. Garments project - Based Setting Consultancy Charge.(Negotiation With Clinets)
Consultancy Charge and Fees of Garments Consulting Firm Limited
Note : After Booking Your Garments Consultancy, 50% Advance Payment Before Start Consultancy services and 50% Due Payment Completed Consultancy In Your Garments Industry.
Your Satisfaction is 100% Gurantee !
"If You Are Not Satisfied, We And I Are Not Satisfied
Money Back Guarantee of Our Consultancy Services
Happy Customers Only : If you are not happy with our consulting services and tell us why not then we will refundyou (100% Money Back Guarantee), please check our Money Back Guarantee terms in order to learn more about the restrictions that we may apply.
Get in touch today request a consultation session.
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